from 'Letters from Life'



Not every perceived challenge we meet in life
is an obstacle we must overcome.

You see, when we hit a stumbling block
or a bump in the road or a brick wall,
we are usually already
tired, exhausted and overwhelmed.

So maybe the stumbling block is not actually there to trip us up. Maybe it’s there to cushion our fall. To give us somewhere to sit when we need to catch our breath for a while.

And perhaps the bumps in the road are there to remind us to slow down. When we have been charging ahead too quickly and driving ourselves into the ground.

And maybe that brick wall isn’t meant to be scaled.
Maybe it’s simply there for us to lean against. To help us rest and regain our strength. And maybe when we’re rested, we’ll realise we can go round the wall or take it apart brick by brick.

Yes, not every obstacle we meet in life is there to test us and teach us a lesson.

even when it doesn’t feel like it,
some things in life
are simply there to help.




Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork by Darya Gerasomova

From my fourth book 'Letters from Life' See less

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