arts (4)

The sun is still rising



The sun is still rising,
the wind is still blowing,
and out here in the wild,
you are growing.

And there might be days
where you might struggle to feel it’s true,
and you might struggle to trust
that here in the wilderness,
there is more ahead of

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With all that wildness



I hope my daughter is beautiful
in the wildest of ways
like tree roots
reaching deep into the earth
fierce, not cute

and growing as deeply
as her branches will rise
reaching to the beckoning skies
and down into the core
always aware, there is m

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you are not here and yet you are everywhere. i cannot see you and yet i see the evidence of how you so richly poured yourself into my world. i cannot hear you and yet your voice is in everything i do from day to day. from the first glimpse of the

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