
We are divine beings in a state of recovery



We are divine beings in a state of recovery,
re-discovering our divinity,
winning back ourselves from states of delusion.
However, the mind is very much a key player
in the drama called life, because without it,
the consciousness cannot experience
the necessary friction for transcendence to occur.
And transcendence is the whole purpose of the game.
It is a kingly game when seen
with eyes of understanding.
If you stay stuck in personhood, life will kick your ass.
But if you are open to Truth, then you are continuously
expanding into greater and greater seeing.
Finally, you will exclaim,
‘I love this stepping out of the shadow of myself
into the bright light of my Self.’
If my words are true,
it is you who make them true.
They come alive inside you
because you listen inside your heart and accept them.
Not just the words, but what they point to
somehow recognises itself,
and the stagnant, the suppressed,
vanishes in the light of this real seeing.
The serpent-mind loses its tongue
in the presence of the real Self.
You are the Self.

~ Mooji

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