Elen of the Ways



Elen of the Ways is an ancient female Goddess believed to date back to the Paleolithic era in mainland Britain. She is associated with deer and is considered the Patron Guardian Goddess for those who follow unconventional and intuitive paths. Elen is the protector of ancient pathways on Earth and up to the stars, often shape-shifting into a deer and traveling with deer.

She is also known as Elen of the Hosts and is the Guardian of all who journey. Elen of the Ways/Stars is the guardian and protector of the ancient pathways on the earth and up to the stars. She is the antlered goddess. And often shape-shifts into a deer and travels with the deer herds. You can follow her by following the deer trods and sensing her energy through the soles of your feet. You can also sense the ancestors who walked these ancient pathways.

Think of Elen on daily walks, and by going into the space between the worlds, not here and not there---in the betwixt and between. These ancient trackways, the spirit roads and the faery paths are the betwixt and between energetically that we can travel. That they are the portals between the worlds, another dimension so to speak.

Some believe these ancient pathways are the paths the shamans travel in their ecstatic journeys.

Ancient pathways also reach up to the stars. Some cultures believe that the Milky Way is the path of the deer and is the primordial mother of life. They believe we came from the constellation Cygnus and travel here through the milky way and are born here, and at death we travel back to Cygnus. So, Elen of the Ways is a psychopomp guiding the soul back home.

May Elen of the Ways/Stars guide you on your path today, both on land and in the stars,


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  • Beautiful Painting "Elen" by Elyne Selu



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