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I will continue, always.



This body of mine will disintegrate, but my actions will continue me… If you think I am only this body, then you have not truly seen me. When you look at my friends, you see my continuation. When you see someone walking with mindfulness and compas

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What if, we started from there.

10033504676?profile=RESIZE_584xart | Holly Sierra


What if the desire to lose weight is really an unconscious wish to shed the weight of disconnection? To be freed of the layers with which we protect our deeper selves?

What if the weight, built over time, is instead an act of unc

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Sat there and drove


Sat there and drove
Dreamed the car was freshly painted
the world round and good
as the Buddha
The sky through the box was the same color
as a pale slide from the 70's
I was not crazy
Not locked up
Self-chosen loneliness and in it I traveled

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Imbolc is in two weeks!

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Imbolc is in two weeks! The word "imbolc" means "in the belly of the Mother," because the seeds of spring are beginning to stir in the belly of Mother Earth. The term "oimelc" means ewe's milk. Imbolc is celebrated from Feb. 1st - 2nd. It or

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Ask permission:

9986638898?profile=RESIZE_710xPhoto by Victoria Zschommler


Before cutting the branch of a tree or removing a flower, tell the spirit of the tree or plant what you are going to do, so that they can withdraw their energy from that place and not feel the cut so strong.

When you go

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